Collection Procedures
Within one business day of receiving your new account, we enter the new claim into our software system. That same day our first notice is mailed to the consumer. The consumer, in accordance with Federal Law, has 30 days to dispute the validity of the debt. After 30 day’s elapses after the first letter the account is prompted by our computer system onto one of our collector’s work schedule for telephone calls. The collector will demand payment in full from the consumer in the initial phone contact. We accept debit cards over the phone, or, the consumer can return the bottom portion of their letter to us in the mail with their debit card information and we will email or mail them a receipt. If that is not realistic for the consumer’s situation, we will work out a payment plan, based on the size and age of the debt, which would liquidate the full amount owed over a period of time. We also stress to the consumer that if no payment is made immediately, or, if no payment plan is committed to, possible further action can be taken against them, including a possible lawsuit to collect the debt.
Our phone collectors also have over 150 different types of collection letters to select from, each focusing on the specific situation with that debt. However, we have achieved a very high rate of success from telephone contact rather than just relying on letters. Our experienced collection staff follows-up on broken promises quickly and works accounts on the day to be worked, without exception. We will always utilize enough phone collectors to properly service our consumer portfolio. We also work with several collection law firms to sue on a debt when it is in your best interest (wage garnishments, bank account seizure and real estate liens, where law permits) but we will always ask for your permission prior to doing so.
We use state of the art collection software and generate four reports on a monthly basis for you: 1) An Active account statement, 2) A New account acknowledgment statement, 3) A Trust statement detailing monies collected for you during the month prior, and 4) A Closed account statement which details A-Z any/all accounts closed for any reason during the month prior. We are able to service unlimited clients and consumers in an organized, concise, and professional manner and can print customized reports upon request. We also can add interest on those debts, as permitted by law, on a daily basis to maximize the amount collected for you.
Metropolitan Collection Agency LLC takes tremendous pride in our superior client servicing, excellent collection results, prompt remittances, and the highest professional and ethical standards.
We strive to do a terrific job for you and devote ourselves to high collection results and superior client servicing.

CALL US TODAY to plan a meeting at your convenience
PO Box 46
Keene, NH 03431
[email protected]
(603) 461-5264 (Main)
(603) 709-2747 (Fax)
(866) 602-6408 (Toll Free)